Symptoms of Pityrosporum Folliculitis Animal Skin Disorder
Pityrosporum Folliculitis is a skin disease that causes inflammation
of the hair follicles. The expansion of the hair follicle leads to a
white eruption on the skin that is surrounding the hair follicle. The
eruption can also appear red; this depends on the weather. When many
follicles are infected by the yeast-like germ, the skin will appear as a
white or red rash.
It is a common disease with teenagers and adult men. It causes the skin to develop a reddish color that is lighter than the normal part of the skin. It leads to the formation of itchy pustules around the back region and the neck. The itchy effect is also felt on the chest region, shoulders and on the upper arms.
There are control measures of this infection just like the other skin diseases. It is normally controlled by the use of an oral antifungal medication. Also, a topical cream can be used to control the infection. The infected person should rush to take immediate action to control this disease before it distributes to many areas on the skin. The yeast causing the infection enters through the hair follicle. In this region, there is a high amount of sweat and sebum. The growth and multiplication is very fast due to a good breeding environment for the fungi.
The rapid growth and multiplication of yeast in the follicle hair region lead to development of rashes on the skin. Another Symptoms of Pityrosporum Folliculitis is that The skin forms scratchy and spotty patches. There is also a development of light spots that appear as skin burns. The skin looks dry and some flakes appear. The causes of this infection can also be a result of application of greasy lotions on the skin. This oil enhances the growth of the yeast. Rise of sebum creation also increases the chances of being infected.
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Symptoms of Pityrosporum Folliculitis
One of the common causes of this skin disorder includes excess application of perspirants. Excess friction while shaving can lead to this infection, especially when using a blunt blade. Wearing tight clothes, which causes friction on the skin, leads to an infection of this disease. Furthermore, using a hot tub or swimming pool that has not been treated with chlorine is dangerous to the skin. All the above causes are easy to pay attention to and easy to take the necessary precautions.It is a common disease with teenagers and adult men. It causes the skin to develop a reddish color that is lighter than the normal part of the skin. It leads to the formation of itchy pustules around the back region and the neck. The itchy effect is also felt on the chest region, shoulders and on the upper arms.
There are control measures of this infection just like the other skin diseases. It is normally controlled by the use of an oral antifungal medication. Also, a topical cream can be used to control the infection. The infected person should rush to take immediate action to control this disease before it distributes to many areas on the skin. The yeast causing the infection enters through the hair follicle. In this region, there is a high amount of sweat and sebum. The growth and multiplication is very fast due to a good breeding environment for the fungi.
The rapid growth and multiplication of yeast in the follicle hair region lead to development of rashes on the skin. Another Symptoms of Pityrosporum Folliculitis is that The skin forms scratchy and spotty patches. There is also a development of light spots that appear as skin burns. The skin looks dry and some flakes appear. The causes of this infection can also be a result of application of greasy lotions on the skin. This oil enhances the growth of the yeast. Rise of sebum creation also increases the chances of being infected.
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